Print fulfillment services make a lot of sense
Print fulfillment services defined
Print fulfillment services encompass the process of storing, gathering, packaging and distributing printed marketing and sales materials worldwide. As essential a function as these services are for some businesses, they can consume a lot of time and money.
Companies that aren’t set up to perform these types of functions internally can outsource them to a vendor with the resources and expertise to do them in a more efficient and cost-effective manner. An experienced vendor can streamline the distribution of promotional collateral materials to customers and prospects, and operational and support literature to field representatives, branch locations, franchises, and dealers and distributors.
Print fulfillment services can be flexible, too
Outsourced print fulfillment services can be set up for the distribution of marketing and sales materials as one-off, or as part of an ongoing service. Because of the digital nature of business today, some print fulfillment services vendors provide customized web portals or eStores to simplify the literature ordering and distribution process. Another aspect of what they offer includes regular reports showing orders, shipments, inventory levels and other vital data to make sure their clients have a complete picture.
Print fulfillment services can include printing and more
Some print fulfillment services vendors have the means to produce all of the printed pieces, in some cases by utilizing on-demand digital printing, thus eliminating the need to have the materials produced in advance and shipped. Being able to cut out all of these steps can really help businesses save time, money and headaches.
Print fulfillment services vendors can fold and collate literature, as well as assemble and insert any printed components needed to create presentation folders and binder sets. Some can even match each assignment to the most efficient and cost-effective shipping/mailing method.
With the ability to receive, store, handle, pack and distribute promotional collateral materials to customers and prospects, and operational and support literature to field representatives, branch locations, franchises, and dealers and distributors, businesses requiring these important services can save valuable space at their facilities, along with the labor needed to perform these tasks.
Print fulfillment services can definitely be of great value for some businesses. Especially if you consider that nearly 30% of printed communications are thrown away unused by companies that have spent money producing and storing them. And no matter how you look at it, that’s a terrible drain of valuable resources that no company can afford to squander.

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