Business Marketing ideas
Marketing ideas using The Science of Persuasive Marketing conclusion
In a recent blog, I wrote about Persuasive Marketing and the Science Behind it. I chose this subject because when applied correctly, persuasive marketing ideas can help to vastly improve a company’s results.
The science I’m speaking about is based on the teachings of Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Cialdini and his research colleagues were able to identify six universal factors that guide decision-making. These six shortcuts, as Cialdini has labeled them, are small, practical, costless, and ethical.
I hope you found the first three principals I wrote about in my earlier blog as compelling as I did, and that you’re beginning to see how you can apply them to improve your Business Marketing. If you recall, I only wrote about the first three principals, I was saving the final three for this blog.
I think you’ll get a lot out of reading them, and that you’ll put what you learn to good use to enhance your own business marketing efforts. Oh, and please feel free to share this worthwhile information with colleagues.
Persuasion Number 4: Consistency
This principle is based on consistency, which is set in motion when someone begins seeking and asking for small commitments to be made. The example given by Cialdini was that of several neighbors who were willing to place a large not-so-attractive sign on their front lawns to support a “drive safe” campaign. Interestingly, on another street, four times as many homeowners gladly put up the signs. Why so many more? Well, ten days before putting up their signs the residents on the second street were approached about displaying a “smaller” sign to support the campaign. That small sign was the initial, small commitment that resulted in the big 400% increase. I guess it proves that the consistency of starting small and getting a commitment works, even when you’re “selling” ugly signs.
Persuasion Number 5: Liking
This principle is about how people like to say, “yes” to people they like. So how do people get other people to like them? To find out, Cialdini held studies at two B-schools. At the first school a group of MBA students were told to adopt the “Time is Money” concept in a meeting they were in, and got straight down to work. This all-business group was able to negotiate agreements with others 55% of the time. The second group was told to talk about personal things before beginning negotiations. Getting to know and like each other resulted in this group coming to successful and agreeable outcomes 90% of the time. What’s not to like about being liked?
Persuasion Number 6: Consensus
The principal of consensus is all about how people look at the actions of others to determine what they themselves will do. Here’s a great example of how this works: more and more hotels display small cards in guest bathrooms to persuade visitors to reuse towels The hotels typically do this by telling guests about the benefits that reusing towels have on the environment. Going about it in this manner leads to about 30% of guests complying with the request. Not too bad. However, when information included on the cards informed visitors that three-quarters of the hotel’s guests reuse towels the numbers go up. It’s a fact: showing new guests what previous guests have done in regards to towel reuse, led to a 33% increase in towel reuse. Perhaps this principal can be renamed, the more, the merrier.
It worked for them, but will it work for you?
These principals of persuasion were proven to be true when it comes to neighborhoods, business schools and hotels. But can they be applied to any business or industry? You bet they can, which is why you should not overlook them or the other three in last month’s newsletter when you’re getting ready to attend a trade show or conference, or creating a direct mail piece or a brochure to promote it or your business. After all, the messages you put out there are far more likely to be persuasive when you apply some science to them.

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