Tips on how to take advantage of postal changes at the USPS
Many Postal Changes Coming
It’s not your parents’ Post Office anymore… Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. The way things are changing at the United States Postal Service, the above motto may go the way of the two-cent stamp. If you haven’t heard about the changes, here’s a somber snapshot of things to come. By the time 2015 comes to a close it’s predicted that as many half of United States Postal Service facilities will close. This draconian cut is being considered in order to slash more than $22 billion in costs from a system that lost on average over $42,000,000 per day in fiscal year 2012.
Direct marketers need to be aware of these postal changes
There are plenty of reasons why the United States Postal Service is bleeding money. One postal change that should be of particular interest to direct marketers is that ten years ago, letter carriers delivered over 200 billion pieces of mail. In 2011, that number dropped to 168 billion pieces. And, thanks to email and private delivery companies like UPS and FedEx, the number is dropping steadily. As the United States Postal Service moves ahead with its plans to close hundreds of mail distribution centers and post offices, it’s crucial for direct marketers to grasp the timing and impact of postal changes that directly effect your marketing. Changes like individual facility closures, as well as other changes afoot at the USPS. These changes include postage rate increases, new piece specifications, and the aforementioned shrinkage of the network that delivers the mail. If direct mail is to continue to be a profitable medium for your business, you must find the most cost-effective ways to offset the changes that are occurring in 2013, which will no doubt continue in the years to come. To achieve this, it’s important for you to understand the “new” USPS, and learn more about optimized mail piece design and processing techniques that are available to you.
The post office may be planning to close many of its facilities, but in the process new opportunities are opening for you.
For more details on any or all of them,
click below
USPS 2013 programs
Have a Great Day
Audrey Ferrante
Ferrante & Associates

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