Snail Mail versus Email
Snail mail versus email campaigns, which is getting greater results?
Snail mail, better known as direct mail, is winning the race. Let’s be direct about this: if you’re like many business owners and managers, you probably think email has caught up to and overrun snail mail. Since lots of folks believe this to be a fact, I’ve decided to dispel the rumors by writing about a mind-changing study on the subject in this blog. I trust that the insights you gain from reading this will cause you to seriously consider implementing a direct mail program some time soon.
Snail Mail versus eMail
The battle and the debate may rage on for some marketers, but I’m here to share some interesting statistics that may help put things into perspective. For me, it came into focus when I read the 2011 Channel Preference Study from Epsilon Targeting.
Wonders never cease
This study brought to light some surprising facts, the biggest of which was that fifty percent of U.S. consumers prefer snail mail versus email. The study also found that just over one-quarter of all U.S. consumers said they found direct mail to be “more trustworthy” than email. This last number is an increase from prior studies, and it even includes the much coveted 18-34 year old demographic.
Even more surprising, of the 2,200 U.S. consumers who were surveyed for this study, 60% said they actually enjoy checking their physical mailboxes. This phenomenon, which the study refers to as an “emotional connection” to postal mail, is remarkable to say the least. This emotional connection is quite real and supported by science.
Using Neuroscience to Understand the role of Direct Mail
We think you’ll find it, well, mind-altering
Here’s another tidbit of data you should find interesting: 75% of consumers say they get more email than they can read. Much of which, no doubt, gets tossed in the electronic trash barrel. Many of these findings are somewhat unexpected because so much of what we hear in the media these days is basically counter to what consumers are actually disclosing in studies such as this one.
The takeaway is you can’t walk away from direct mail
At the end of the day the study found that direct mail was preferred more than email for nearly every industry category, ranging from insurance to retail to non-profit. So please think twice before dismissing direct mail as a viable and valuable part of your marketing efforts.
There’s also much evidence out there that points to print still being a viable and valuable part of any marketing campaign
Here is proof of why you want to keep print in your media mix
Check Here to Learn More…
Direct mail is here to stay, and here to make you money
As you can see, direct mail continues to be an effective way to get information about your company’s products and services into the hands of customers and prospects.
I hope that the information you’ve read in this month’s blog will cause you to add direct mail back into your marketing mix. If you liked this article, and know someone who would benefit from it, please feel free to forward it to them.
Have a great day …
Audrey Ferrante
Ferrante & Associates, Inc.

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