Event Planners: 10 Ways to Wow Your Audience
Event planners, did you know that only 10% of those passing by your tradeshow booth will remember your message? It’s kind of like blog writing—you’ve got to immediately capture your audience’s attention with something memorable. Hopefully this blog caught your attention!
So, how do you make sure your marketing “sticks” as an event planner? Whether you’re creating tradeshow banners/graphics for conference events, corporate events or company events, here are 10 sure-fire ways to create that “wow” moment for your audience.
- Don’t get wordy: Save details for your brochure
- Ditch the sales pitch: Emphasize benefits over features
- Be a problem-solver: Promote your solutions, not how amazing you are
- Channel Seinfeld: Craft creative, witty headlines rather than boring or clichéd
- Connect with your audience: Spark an emotional connection that will urge them to act
- Be seen: Design the banner with a huge font that can be read from 10 feet away
- Get endorsed: Feature a customer testimonial as a headline
- Catch their eye: Complement your message with a striking image
- Go big: Large format graphics grab attention quicker than multiple smaller images
- Add flair: Feature cut-to-shape standees or graphics that extend beyond the lines of your display unit
It’s more than just ink on paper
Conference and event planning is no small task, and sometimes you need help to pull it off seamlessly. If you’re considering a commercial printer to help you think outside the box and create that “wow” factor, choose one that understands exactly what you need and can offer the capabilities you’re looking for.
For example, make sure you select a printer that:
- Is a one-stop print supplier that provides value-added services like full-service creative, plus integrated multichannel online and offline offerings.
- Truly understands your business challenges and has the experience, equipment and vision to come up with the best solution for your needs without inflating your bottom line.
- Brings an innovative spark and the ability to think on their feet in the face of last-minute demands.

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