NiSource Inc., based in Merrillville, Indiana, is a Fortune 500 company engaged in natural gas transmission, storage and distribution, as well as electric generation, transmission and distribution. NiSource’s six operating companies deliver energy to 3.8 million customers located within the high-demand energy corridor stretching from the Gulf Coast through the Midwest to New England.
Twenty years ago, Bay State Gas, one of these operating companies, was searching for a supplier that could provide estimates for all of its direct mail campaigns for the upcoming year. There were several reasons why Bay State Gas’ marketing manager was seeking the assistance of an outside supplier. One of the biggest was an overwhelming workload, and with a hiring freeze in place, staff could not be added. In addition to providing estimates and following through on print production and mailing services, the supplier was required to have a capability for full creative services.
Today, that operating company now known as Columbia Gas is responsible for providing promotional materials to divisions in six states (Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia). The challenge today is the same as it was twenty years ago—to provide fresh ideas and deliver the most cost-effective production services. Added to these creative and production challenges is the need to maintain separate cost categories for all activities in each of the six states. Accountability to this level of detail is vital in a regulatory environment where utility commissions in each state examine costs carefully.
Twenty years ago when the Bay State Gas marketing manager began looking for an outside supplier, he saw that Ferrante & Associates could offer a comprehensive arsenal of marketing production capabilities and could hit the ground running. From the beginning and month in, month out for years, Ferrante & Associates has done just that —develop fresh creative ideas, provide thorough and accurate estimates for all projects, efficiently manage both print production and mailing services, and keep close reins on all associated costs.
The mission has changed over the years as marketing as changed
Over the years as marketing communications have changed, Ferrante & Associates has expanded its services to Columbia Gas to include online newsletters and personalized online/offline programs. Current services also include producing posters, magazine ads, videos, radio spots, banner ads and email templates for Columbia Gas’ all-important Customer Relationship Management programs.
As part of its own ongoing efforts, Ferrante & Associates takes extra time to understand the natural gas industry, which helps in creating tailored messages to customers. And there is always work behind the scenes to make sure everything happens as planned, for example checking and re-checking shipping addresses and keeping a tight track of all mailed materials. Moreover, Ferrante & Associates brings only the resources to each project that are appropriate, sparing the client from having to take time to evaluate choices. With Ferrante & Associates, all it takes is the original call. Then it all gets done.
From day one twenty years ago and to this very day, Ferrante & Associates provides many crucial services to Columbia Gas. That frees up valuable managerial time so the client can focus on other pressing matters, while knowing full well that deadlines and budgets are being met. Ferrante & Associates strives too to stay ahead of the curve by delivering fresh creative ideas, fully integrated print and online marketing services, responsive customer service, and turnarounds that are lightning fast, even for projects with super-tight deadlines. Just as important in a regulated environment, Ferrante & Associates makes certain that every ‘t’ is crossed and every ‘i’ is dotted.
You can be sure that when you hand off a project to the professionals at Ferrante & Associates everything will get done just as promised. Their knowledge, creativity, competence and attention to detail will give you the time and energy to concentrate on other priorities in your inbox.